Parking Vouchers

How quickly will my order be shipped?

Orders are typically shipped within twenty-four hours on regular business days via USPS.

A $5.00 shipping and handling fee applies to each order.

The sale and delivery of parking vouchers are available to clients of Tillinger's Concierge, Inc. at select locations. Orders placed for delivery to an address that is not located at a designated Tillinger's-serviced location will be cancelled.

How do I redeem my prepaid parking vouchers?

Step 1: Insert Parking Ticket
When exiting the garage, insert the regular parking ticket into the exit machine. 

Step 2: Scan Prepaid Voucher
After entering the parking ticket, the exit machine will prompt you to “please pay your parking fee.” Scan the QR code printed on the voucher. The discount will be applied by reducing the total hours used. Additional payment will be required if time exceeds the voucher’s limit.

There are no refunds for unused time.

How long are the prepaid parking vouchers valid?

Parking passes will expire within (2) years from the date of purchase.

I'm moving and no longer need my vouchers. Can I get a refund?

All sales are final. No returns, refunds, or exchanges are permitted.

I'm getting an error when I scan my voucher to pay for parking. Why?

Only the parking garage office can provide assistance with any issues regarding use of the parking vouchers.

Helpful Tips to Avoid Common Mistakes

  • Do not scan the voucher before inserting the parking ticket into the exit machine. It may invalidate the voucher. The voucher should only be used as a form of payment after the exit machine has scanned your parking ticket.
  • Destroy the voucher after using it. This helps to avoid mixing used vouchers with unused vouchers.

How much do I save using with each voucher?

Regular Daily Parking Rates:
0 to 1 Hour $14.00
1 to 1.5 Hours $23.00
1.5 to 2 Hours $33.00
2 to 24 Hours $45.00

4-Hour Prepaid Vouchers
Save up to $100 per 4-pack

10-Hour Prepaid Vouchers
Save up to $70 per 4-pack

24-Hour Prepaid Vouchers
Save up to $30 per 4-pack

The Prudential Center Garage may change rates at any time and without notice.

What other rules apply to use of the prepaid vouchers?

For a complete list of terms of purchase and use, click HERE.

When I attempt to complete my order, I get an error message stating "Your order cannot be delivered to the address you entered. Please provide the residential address serviced by Tillinger's Concierge." Why?

The sale and delivery of parking vouchers are available to clients of Tillinger's Concierge, Inc. at select locations.

Your delivery address must match a Tillinger's-serviced location to validate your residence and access to this client privilege.

Orders placed for delivery to an address that is not located at a designated Tillinger's-serviced location will be cancelled.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for additional assistance.